Sunday, 12 July 2009

A long time ago, we used to be friends

Dear UK,

If you haven't seen it before you now have no excuse. Rob Thomas' (not that one) seminal high-school noir series Veronica Mars is making its debut on Freeview channels, filling the Gilmore Girls shaped void in the E4 morning schedule from Thursday the 16th of July.

Charming, brilliantly written, cute, deep, and sharp as a hanzo sword this is one show that is well-worth getting into. Kristen Bell plays Veronica, a recently ostracized high school student by day but by night fights to save her dad's reputation by helping to solve the murder of her best friend. OK, it's Nancy Drew meets Raymond Chandler by way of Buffy.

Thank me later, in the meantime here's a cute clipreel of some of the series trademark punchy dialogue

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